Kybella® Double Chin Removal

Kybella® Double Chin Removal is the groundbreaking solution for eliminating stubborn chin fat, revealing a contoured and more defined jawline without surgery.


Kybella® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment primarily used to address excess fat under the chin, commonly known as a double chin. This innovative procedure targets and eradicates fat cells, leading to a significant transformation in the facial profile.

The visible outcome of Kybella® treatment is a noticeable reduction in fat accumulation beneath the chin, resulting in a more sculpted and youthful appearance.

  • When subcutaneous fat sags due to factors like heredity, weight gain, or aging, it can contribute to developing a double chin. Kybella® offers a non-invasive and nearly pain-free solution to this concern. The treatment involves a series of injections that effectively eliminate fat, ultimately restoring a more youthful and defined profile. It is crucial to have an initial consultation with Dr. Brady to determine the number of treatments required. Next, the amount of fat under the chin will be assessed, allowing an accurate estimate of the treatment sessions needed. Remarkably, the procedure is swift and can be completed within just thirty minutes.

    Kybella® is a non-invasive procedure that begins with a lidocaine shot to numb the area. Following this, multiple small injections are administered beneath the chin. These injections are always performed by a healthcare specialist specifically trained in Kybella® administration. The active ingredient in Kybella® is synthetic deoxycholic acid, which naturally occurs in the body to aid in the breakdown and absorption of fat. When injected under the skin, Kybella® effectively eliminates fat cells, leading to a visible reduction in fullness under the chin. Once the desired aesthetic outcome is achieved, further treatment is generally unnecessary, as the eliminated fat cells can no longer store fat.

  • After the Kybella® procedure, individuals may experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort for up to three days. These side effects are typically manageable and temporary. However, it is essential to follow any post-treatment instructions provided by Dr. Brady to ensure optimal healing and recovery. With minimal downtime associated with Kybella®, individuals can resume their regular activities shortly after the procedure, allowing for a convenient and efficient solution to address their double chin concerns.

