Abdominoplasty (or Tummy Tuck)

Abdominoplasty (or Tummy Tuck) is a surgical procedure that helps to flatten the abdomen and waist by removing excess fat and skin, and by tightening muscles.


The result is a smoother, toned skin surface and an overall thinner midsection.

Both a full and partial abdominoplasty address excess skin, stretch marks and excess fat that is seen after pregnancy or after significant weight loss. A partial abdominoplasty looks at the area mainly below the belly button, and a full abdominoplasty is when the entire abdominal wall is addressed. In both, muscles can be repaired, excess skin removed, and fat reduced.

  • A consultation with Dr. Brady is the first step to determining which procedure will be best. Based on the current anatomical state of each individual and their personal and medical history, a customized plan is created.

    Optimal results are achieved when the individual is near their desired weight.

    Full Abdominoplasty is a procedure on the lower abdomen and entire abdominal wall. Dr. Brady uses a high lateral tension technique, which surgically sculpts the body while maintaining its natural curves.

    Partial Abdominoplasty (or "mini tummy tuck") involves a shorter incision and the skin is only lifted to the navel. This "mini" procedure is ideal for patients who need just a little improvement in order to reach their desired results, such as those within 10% of their ideal body weight. It offers patients many benefits, including less scarring, shorter recovery times and an overall less invasive procedure.

  • The full abdominoplasty procedure takes approximately two to five hours and can be performed under general anesthesia, or local anesthesia with a sedative. Recovery time ranges from two weeks to a few months, but with a balanced diet and regular exercise results are long-lasting.

    The partial abdominoplasty procedure is performed under either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation and usually takes between one to two hours to complete. After the partial abdominoplasty procedure, patients can return home the same day after a few hours of monitoring.

